Almost every person in college has heard of the freshman fifteen, referring to the additional weight that a new college student will gain during their first semester of attendance.  Of course gaining weight is bad because we might not be able to fit into out favorite pair of jeans anymore, but have you ever thought about what that extra weight is doing to your body?  
      Being overweight or obese is considered "abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health" defined by the World Health Organization.  Being obese puts you at risk for many things that are harmful to your health, such as diabetes.  Also, being obese increases the risk of someone getting diabetes by 44 percent.  Getting diabetes will change someones life because they will no longer be able to do anything without having the thought about it in the back of their mind and have to deal with the burden constantly.  Not only does obesity cause diabetes in some people but it is also the fifth leading cause of death in the world.  Being obese or overweight actually causes more deaths then being underweight!
      So before ordering a burger or getting up for a second round at the dining hall, think about all of the health repercussions on your body that eating that might have.  If you do chose a burger, make sure to balance the rest of your day out accordingly after that.  Keep those jeans fitting just the way you like them to.

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