So you think one soda a day or even a week isn’t harmful, well think again! Soda is full of empty calories not to mention a large amount of sugar. So because we all know soda is bad for us, we think we are being healthier by grabbing a diet soda rather than the regular, well once again, think again! Studies have shown that diet sodas have been linked to heart attack and stroke. In fact, according to an article on WebMD, early findings show a 48% increase in heart attack and stroke in diet soda drinkers as opposed to those who do not drink diet soda everyday or at all.

             A large amount of calories from an American’s diet comes from refined sugars or sugary beverages. Many health professionals say that if someone is trying to lose weight, the first thing they should do is kick the soda habit.  If someone who drinks 3-4 cans of soda a day can cut out soda from their diet completely, they can lose 1-1.5 pounds a week from eliminating soda alone.

            The next time you think you want that Dr. Pepper or Pepsi, you should think otherwise and your body will thank you!



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