While we highly discourage eating at fast food restaurants, we are all human and crave that greasy, fattening food every once in a while, some more than others. When we have that lapse of good judgement and stroll into Mickey D's, you should take a closer look at the food you are considering eating.

You don't have a lot of time, so you tell yourself you will be healthy and pick up a salad from McDonald's. While this may seem like the healthy alternative to a hamburger and fries, the nutrition menu may suggest otherwise....

Let's take a look at the salad you ordered. You decided on the premium southwest salad with crispy chicken (450 calories, 820mg of sodium) with ranch dressing (170 calories,    530mg of sodium). 620 calories and 1,350mg of sodium later...you have consumed your "healthy lunch". now let's take a look at the hamburger and small fries. The hamburger has 250 calories and 490mg of sodium, the fries have 230 calories and 160mg of sodium. So what we may think is the "unhealthy" food choice actually only has 480 calories and 650mg of sodium.  

Not all salads have as many calories as the premium southwest salad with crispy chicken, but if you are thinking of stopping at a fast food restaurant while still trying to eat somewhat healthy, make sure you do your homework!



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