We all know that with the hustle and bustle of the holidays, comes stress, more food, tighter schedules, and colder weather. The holiday season also brings the season of weight gain. Starting with Halloween candy, and ending with those tasty Super Bowl snacks, October through February has proven to be one of the unhealthiest times of year. Statistics have shown that during this season, people usually gain anywhere from 1-10 pounds and sometimes even more. Another problem with the holiday season, especially in upstate New York, is the freezing cold weather which deters people from going outside to exercise. 5 of the biggest contributors to overeating during the holidays are food-focused celebrations, stress, exhaustion, emotional eating, and cold weather. All of these factors, combined with lots of food, make the recipe for weight gain disaster. So when you're celebrating with your family this holiday season, focus on these three tips for limiting weight gain, practice awareness, manage stress and emotions, and plan in advance. Practice awareness, be mindful of how much you are eating, and focus on weight management instead of weight loss during the holiday season, weight loss during the busiest time of the year is not realistic, so focus on the more realistic goal of maintaining your current weight. Manage stress and emotions, instead of taking on the responsibility of preparing the whole thanksgiving dinner, try potluck style instead, it takes the stress off of everyone, and gives friends and family the satisfaction of being able to help. Plan in advance, when you know you're going to be busy plan your meals out for the week so you only have to go to the grocery store once, this will also help with maintaining your weight. 

This holiday season, try and make yourself and your health a number one priority, your waistline, and your jeans will thank you in march!

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