Sometimes we as students get stuck in a rut of eating habits, and many of times those habits are full of bad foods.  As the semester starts to come to an end many of our stress levels are on the rise and we are drawn towards vending machines full of chips and candy and fast food out of convenience.  What I want to show you is that it is easy to find recipes online, and create quick snacks that are full of good for you vitamins and nutrients, but can also fulfill your need for that chocolate bar. 

One way to help improve your diet and still eat on a budget is to substitute your bag of chips, cookies, and candy bars for nutritional snacks and by gathering small amounts of ingredients you can create a variety of different snacks.
If you substitute your chips and dip habit for a healthy alternative of carrot sticks and humus; you can also purchase pita breads and create your own pita chips to eat with your humus.  While these may seem like small changes, they can add up to life long diet changes, and prove to have beneficial benefits. (A bag of carrots and humus cost around the same cost as a can of dip, even less is you make your own humus)

Another snack substitute if you are craving a ice cream bar, you can have a frozen banana on of stick, or blend frozen fruits, and berries to create your own healthy "ice cream" (Bananas typically cost less than a package of ice cream bars, and a bag of frozen berries can cost roughly the same as a tub of ice cream, but will give you more for your buck and many more health benefits)

While these changes may seem like small pieces of your diet; and may be seem like a big deal, but by making these types of small changes you can change your health status and perhaps your lifestyle.

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